For a modern gardener who plans to collect high raspberry crops, it is necessary to make every effort and effort. Sometimes, as a result of excessive guardianship and constant transplantation of crops, the yield decreases. To be always with the crop, you can plant raspberries on wood. This method is most favorable for raspberries. Method Advantages This method of growing crops has several advantages: • The tree, if necessary, absorbs moisture, like a sponge, giving it to the roots of plants gradually. Over time, the wood begins to rot and decompose, turning into a breeding ground for the plant. • Growing raspberries on firewood eliminates the need for fertilizer. A beneficial effect is created not only for plants, but also for worms, which actively loosen the earth in raspberries. • Plants planted in the hills do not release cuttings. This suggests that the raspberry does not spill over the entire site. • Even in the driest period, raspberries will be saturated with moisture from the wood. • Wood acts as drainage. Material The material for the beds is wood, which is on the site, but is not suitable for carpentry. It can be branches, rotten stumps, sawdust and boards. How to do 1. The preparation of beds is best prepared in the fall. In this case, the wood will be saturated with moisture and the need for additional watering will disappear. In the spring, having completed the preparation of the ridges, you should give the seedlings more time. 2. Dig a trench, a depth of about half a meter. Great depth is not needed, as the plant has a superficial root system. 3. If there are a lot of seedlings, and you need to make a couple of trenches, you should maintain a distance of two meters between them. 4. In the trenches you need to lay the wood, starting with large boards, ending with small branches. 5. The earth is poured onto the material that has been removed from the trench. The result should be a high ridge. 6. At the next stage, the ridge is filled with water. The earth will settle a little. 7. Add water again. This is done until the earth fills all the voids. 8. Planting seedlings in the usual way. At the same time, shoots cannot be buried. 9. A layer of mulch is not less than 15 cm. Foliage, grass, sawdust can act as mulch. Over time, the wood will rot, turn into nutrients that raspberries need for full fruiting. A consistently high yield is guaranteed. anti estrogens
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