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History of Russian football

History of Russian football
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Football is also a place to fight. For a tough fight. This particular difficult struggle consists in one simple sense: who is the first to bring the ball to the enemy's goal. But, in addition to wrestling, the sport itself went through an unequal and difficult struggle. A long, long journey from the countries of the East to Europe, then it was forgotten for long and long centuries, and only in the nineteenth century came to life again in Europe. There he received his further development. Updated. Made the best, modern. And in this form, as contemporaries know him, he came to Russia. Where developed already in the future. This sport was a difficult struggle - his journey was difficult. But this is football. One of the most interesting and challenging sports.
Football is a sports game, the essence of which is that players from each team try to score a ball into the opponent’s goal. In fact, the system is the same as in hockey. With only one difference. A football field is an ordinary green strip, and players don’t skate. And in a sports uniform, in sneakers they chase the ball across the field.
 Football in Russia appeared recently. Back in the late nineteenth century. Then the first in the world Russian football club was created. Football players from all over the world participated in various competitions with the first Russian athletes who possessed excellent skill, talents and good skills. But then the October Revolution began ... And football in Russia was once and for all forgotten. For a long time he remained only at the regional level. It seemed that the whole sports system would simply be destroyed. But in the thirties of the twentieth century, the first USSR team in the world suddenly appeared. At first, it only caused laughter and discontent among the teams and players of other countries. But then, when the Soviet national football team began to win its first medals, the world spoke in a completely different way. More than once, the Soviet team became the winner of various competitions, and even at the Olympic Games. The modern history of Russian football is not welcome. Dark times broke out and football as a sport in Russia ceased to have its former popularity. Heroes of football were forgotten, medals were covered with dust, and the modern Russian football team itself was almost never a winner.
But time is running out. And behind the black stripe will be white. Who knows, maybe the team of the Russian team will soon appear, which will prove that this sport is irreplaceable? https://officialsusa.com/

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