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Clean sink - the "face" of the hostess

It so happens that the wisdom of housekeeping young daughter-in-law teaches mother in law. The common myth that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law always live like a cat with a dog, we leave on the conscience of those who spread it. Very often, her husband's mother sincerely wants to help a young family, because after a long life she learned a lot of useful tricks about housekeeping.

A frequent saying of such mothers-in-law: “A stove, a sink and a toilet bowl is the face of the hostess!” Clearly, figuratively. Here it is meant that these three things in the house should always shine, so that the guests who suddenly descend upon it should never call the hostess “dirty-house”. One of the Russian TV shows even had a joke on this topic. My son goes to my mother and says: “Mom, can I take a walk while you clean your“ face? ”

Well, seriously, most women do not really like to do the cleaning. It’s just that the dirt in the house annoys them so much that it’s better to strain and wash everything than to live in a pigsty. At women's forums this topic is often discussed, and its name usually sounds like: "I hate cleaning."

And that's what's interesting. You don’t have to wait a month until everything collapses, the stove will be stained, the sink will be covered with nasty bloom, and it will be terrible to go to the toilet. And you will not have to "scrub" the whole apartment every day either. You will need to find a middle ground between these two extremes.

Always remember that the dirt and mess in the house did not appear in one day, and therefore, you will not immediately get rid of them. Everything should be done gradually, in small steps, switching from one tedious matter to another, more interesting. In 15 minutes you can do a lot of housework. Why exactly 15 minutes? This figure is not taken from the ceiling. Most exactly, scientists have calculated that during this time you can do the most unloved thing, knowing that you are about to finish it.

For this you need a timer. In the hardware store, it is called a “kitchen timer”, which is usually inexpensive and easily attached to the refrigerator. Turn it on for 15 minutes, turn on loud, energetic music ... You yourself will not notice how to gloss over a small part of your apartment. For example, clean the sink to shine.

Everything! After that, you only have to keep it clean, rubbing it with an old towel every day and hanging it clean, new as preparation for the next day.

So, gradually, without straining, you will put in order the whole of your apartment. And maintaining cleanliness is much easier than directing it. 

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