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Watch Dogs Tips - Act 1: The End of Eight Hours # 2

Get into the network of stadiums

Look through the glass door and break into the camera suspended from the ceiling in the next room. When you take control, look to the right, where you will find another camera. Break into it, then wait for the man in the gray coat to hang up. Then hack the phone to get an access code.

Move the camera to the left until you find the point at which you want to break through. Do this so you can go to the floor below. Look to the right, where you will find the second point that you hacked. Thus, you will be taken to a network of stadiums.

Open the weapon menu and select the bait, then activate it to distract people. Then go to the glass door.

Stadium escape

Wait for the guards to leave behind the glass door, then go through it. Hide behind the counter on the left and continue to the left when the sentinels are not looking in your direction. Go to the stairs on the left, then go down and go through the door in front of you. Continue through the next pair of doors, then go to the marker.

Turn right and go down the stairs, then turn left and continue along the street in the direction of the marker. When you get to the small garage, go through the door on the left and inside you will find a red car. Enter it, run the map and look at the corner in the southwest - your shelter at Owl Motel. Set the marker here and start moving towards it.

While driving, look at the minimap and skip the police cars (they will flash blue and red). When they pass, follow the blue line on the road (appears when you have a marker installed). During the escape, you will see a large white circle on the map - this is the place of the search by the police, from which you must exit to leave the form.

One of the best escape routes is to use the highway. If the entrance was blocked, wait in one of the lanes until it is removed. Even if the police were spotted, you can always quickly break on the highway and get lost in shape, exhaling gas.

After the escape, continue to cover. When you reach the motel, climb the stairs to the second floor. When you reach your destination, use the skill tree and upgrade your Gates and Garages device. From now on, you will be able to distribute the remaining points in accordance with your will. However, first you should invest mainly in the category of hackers. Бизнес в сфере IT купить казино доходность гарантирована

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