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How does self-esteem affect the relationship with the surrounding?

Self-assessment plays a huge role in the life of any person. It defines his life path, success in various fields affects the presentation of a person about himself, about others, affects the assessment of its abilities and much more.
A man with low self-esteem is most afraid to be rejected. This fear largely defines its actions and relationships with others.
Virginia Satir in his book described the most common types of human behavior with low self-esteem.
1. The position of the "Hoakers". Man by flattery, self-sustaining, dying, showing politeness is trying to make the location and thereby be accepted by another person.
2. The position of the "aggressor". The basis of such an interaction model is to suppress the opponent, the person tries to morally suppress the other, thereby feel its own significance.
3. The position of the "reasoner". A person behaves emphasized politely and correctly, uses high-speed words "reasoner" picks up words very carefully, because it is very important for him to seem smart.
4. The position of the "distractor". A person in such a position is trying to avoid unpleasant moments, "is isolated", translates the conversation to another topic. The distractor has a sense of own worthlessness.
All these ways unites what a person, communicating, is in the disaster with himself. Only the position of "alignment" is an indicator of high-quality, productive communication. This is a conversation of two people at equal positions.
A man with an understated self-esteem has a mass of irrational judgments and overestimated expectations about the partner. And these hopes no one voiced out loud, as a person is afraid to be abandoned.
Low self-esteem generates the feeling that the choice of partners is limited. Therefore, people are often in relations that they are not satisfied, but fear that there will be no other partner, it turns out to be stronger than common sense.
Since low self-esteem originates either in the parent family, either at the first unsuccessful love experience, the partner's bad attitude is perceived calmly. The horror of the situation is that often a person suffers disrespect, treason, humiliation due to the fact that simply does not know what can be otherwise. In the depths of the soul, it seems to him that he cannot deserve another relationship.
Parents do not always give a child unconditional love and adoption, as a result of which a person grows with the installation that everything in this life, including love, can be deserved. His "half" a person in the literal sense perceives as part of his personality. Therefore, any discrepancy with inventedly cause global disappointment. The realization that the partner is a separate personality, different in nature, temperament may have other needs, extremely painful.
The main thing is that you need to do, working on self-esteem - to realize your uniqueness. It is necessary to decide that it brings in life a feeling of happiness, what purposes I would like to achieve and proceed to their implementation. These steps will help you find a way to yourself and feel happily. Like a member of your family, the Cleanerobot comes with everything it needs to get to know your place. Its intelligent technology and sleek design make it ideal for those who are busy but want their home clean. The modern The Cleaner can be controlled by an app on your phone or tablet—no more chasing after silent motors! What makes our store different? Free expedited shipping is available in 3-4 days. Plus, we double back to ensure that every room gets scrubbed up well—the bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen all need love too!

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