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Diagnostic tests. Part one

There are typical studies that are carried out in the diagnosis of urinary incontinence. The doctor directs you to the usual laboratory tests, in particular blood, which allows you to get the necessary data on your overall health. What tests you will be recommended to do depends on your individual condition, on the conclusion and style of work of the doctor. Test data can be used during subsequent visits to the doctor for a comparative assessment of your condition before and after treatment. A detailed medical history and diary with daily records of your condition will reduce the amount of research needed to a minimum. Before agreeing to do any research, ask your doctor if you really need them. During many studies, a thin tube, called a catheter, is inserted into the urethra and bladder. At that moment, when the tube is inserted and removed, you may feel unpleasant sensations.

The analysis of urine and the study of its culture allow the doctor to determine the presence or absence of a bacterial infection. During analysis, urine is collected in a small container and its sample is examined. The sample can be taken using a sterile catheter, which eliminates the possibility of skin bacteria entering the urine. When examining a urine sample under a microscope, it is determined whether there are any bacteria or leukocytes in the urine, is a sign of infection. If the result is positive, the urine sample (culture) is examined more carefully, which allows to determine the type of bacteria. In this case, the most effective antibiotics are prescribed. The doctor can detect red blood cells in the urine, which can sometimes be a sign of a serious disease, and a number of additional studies are needed to identify it.

The study of the reaction of the bladder to the impact of the load allows the doctor to fix the time of urine discharge. During the examination, the bladder is filled with sterile water using a catheter. When the catheter is removed, the doctor asks the patient to cough. Cough urine is a sign of incontinence caused by physical exertion.

A study with a cotton swab allows the doctor to approximately determine the amount of displacement of the urethra. You lie on your back, and the doctor inserts a greased cotton swab with a long end into the urethra. If the end of the tampon lies parallel to the surface of the table, then this indicates the normal position of the urethra. If the end of the tampon is directed upwards, then this indicates displacement of the urethra, which may be the cause of urinary incontinence caused by physical exertion.

When conducting urodynamic studies, the bladder, its neck and urethra are evaluated in action. In some cases, a cystogram is not required for these studies.

Cystometry and cystometrogram. Using a catheter, the bladder is gradually filled with sterile water for 15 minutes or carbon dioxide - 5 minutes. The doctor observes and measures the strength and speed of reflex reactions and, accordingly, the activity of the bladder as it is filled. It also determines the volume of the bladder. Another catheter is inserted into the rectum or vagina, which allows you to measure the pressure on the abdominal cavity. Thus, the doctor needs to clarify two points. He asks when you start to feel that your bladder is full, and then when you feel the urge to urinate. If urges begin earlier, that is, when the bladder contains only a little water or carbon dioxide, this indicates acute urinary incontinence. If you do not feel any urge, even when filling the bladder, this means that you suffer from reflex incontinence. porndude

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