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World of Cosplay - bright, fascinating

Costumes have always been popular in different cultures of mankind. Masquerades were a special phenomenon at carnivals in the 15th century, and later the idea of costume festivals spread around the world. These days you can see the popularity of different costumes at religious and national festivals, fairs and parades.

Cosplay is an abbreviation of costume and play. The term was coined by a Japanese reporter, but the phenomenon itself originally appeared in North America. Cosplay is a performance in which participants wear costumes and accessories, thus transforming themselves into a particular character. Characters come from a variety of categories, including science fiction, anime, manga, comic books, graphic novels, video games, and even famous television series. Some cosplayers even create their own characters or make up a costume from different genres.

Cosplay is a hobby, an art and a way of life

The growth of cosplay communities since the 1990s has made the art a significant aspect of popular culture in Japan, throughout Asia and in the West.

In Japan, cosplay plays an important role in society. In Tokyo, you can find special parks for where the cosplay community regularly spends time. Cosplay restaurants in Japan attract fans with waiters and waitresses dressed as fictional characters. This amazing subculture has been growing steadily in recent days. Many cosplay-related events and contests can be found around the world.

People do cosplay for a variety of reasons. Some like to transform into other characters, such as Destiny 2 thorn 3d model, and some like to meet people who share the same interests. Cosplay takes a lot of time and dedication, but the result is worth the effort. Becoming a superhero who saves our planet or becoming a villain from some other planet doesn't really matter which one you choose, because either way it's all about the fun! After all, when was the last time you saw Naruto having lunch with Superman?

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